About UsBarrington Lodge No. 522 has a long and ever-developing legacy of almost 150 years. Originally chartered on October 1, 1867 as Monitor Lodge No. 522 in Elgin, the Brethren have embraced two great changes to their membership. Namely, the merging with Lounsbury Lodge No. 751 in Barrington (1995), and then later with Arlington Heights Lodge No. 1162 (2012). It was after this second merger that Barrington Lodge took it's current name. Through the combined history of these lodges, the Brothers have dedicated their energies to ensuring a strong sense of unity and fellowship amongst its members. According to Worshipful Past Master Tod Marquith, “we have retained a respect and appreciation for the unique histories of each lodge while charting a common future together.” Now 344 members strong, Barrington Lodge continues to attract new members from various locales and create an environment that retains its members. The lodge meets at 312 Cook Street in Barrington, IL. The Stated lodge meetings occur on the 3rd Monday of every month, with dinner at 6pm and the gavel sounding at 7pm.
Barrington Lodge recognizes the importance of welcoming, supporting and properly guiding a new Mason’s development. Starting five years ago, the lodge began a deeper focus on membership development including holding regular study classes that cover various subjects. To meet the needs of the lodge, they created enhancements to the statewide Intenders Educational Program for Candidates, Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts and Master Masons. The resulting 7-month curriculum incorporates the traditional one-on-one mentorship using the Intender books and additional experiences. These added elements include a monthly study class meeting with lessons on ritual, Masonic etiquette, open discussion of Masonic values, and guest speakers from the Masonic Appendant Bodies. After these well attended study sessions, the Brethren engage in social activities to further develop stronger bonds. Also, newer Brothers are encouraged to take on small parts during degree work. The results of these efforts have yielded both a high rate of membership retention as-well-as a strong involvement from new Brothers.
Barrington Lodge is very involved with the community. Most notably, the Lodge participates in Arlington Heights' “National Night Out” conducted by the police department; the lodge conducts an ILCHIP event, serving between 80-100 children each year which is actively supported by the parents in the area. Lodge members also volunteer their time in support of the Masonic Children's Charities and Masonic Youth Groups. “We give our time, not just money,” says WPM Marquith. Additionally, the lodge sponsors a September pub crawl fundraiser event in which the proceeds support the “Shop with a Cop” initiative that helps provide school supplies to children who would otherwise have to do without. Barrington Lodge believes that good public relations are important to Masonry, and makes ongoing efforts to partner in the town’s activities and introduce Freemasonry to the local community.
The inclusion of family is also important to Barrington Lodge. Every month, there is a fellowship event for the Brothers, with every other event being open to spouses, partners and significant others. With the involvement of the ladies, they have become friends amongst themselves which is a welcomed result. Events include an annual picnic for the whole family, bowling, shooting events at a local sportsman's club, and going to hockey games. The intention is to create a strong familial network that allows for inclusion and participation whenever possible.
The lodge has six key priorities designed to ensure success:
• Implement a well-developed and ever-evolving Intender Educational Program designed to move men successfully through their degrees and encourage new Masons to get involved early in their Masonic tenure.
• Conduct ongoing lodge officer development and coaching with a focus on leadership and management of the lodge’s plans; inspire all interested Brothers to seek officer roles and tap into the talent of active Past Masters.
• Execute effective communication to the members via social media to keep Brothers informed and connected.
• Advance Community involvement and create greater visibility of the lodge as a positive, charitable organization.
• Promote strong fellowship that involves varied social activities and allowing for family inclusion.
• Continue a focus on successfully executing the Award of Excellence Program that the lodge has won for the last 15 years.
• Implement a well-developed and ever-evolving Intender Educational Program designed to move men successfully through their degrees and encourage new Masons to get involved early in their Masonic tenure.
• Conduct ongoing lodge officer development and coaching with a focus on leadership and management of the lodge’s plans; inspire all interested Brothers to seek officer roles and tap into the talent of active Past Masters.
• Execute effective communication to the members via social media to keep Brothers informed and connected.
• Advance Community involvement and create greater visibility of the lodge as a positive, charitable organization.
• Promote strong fellowship that involves varied social activities and allowing for family inclusion.
• Continue a focus on successfully executing the Award of Excellence Program that the lodge has won for the last 15 years.